Welcome to Umbra

Beneath the moon's veiled mystery,

Shadows dance in solemn spree.

Whispers echo through the night,

As melancholy takes its flight.

In hearts of men, a heavy ache,

Despair and sorrow, shadows make.

Moonbeams weave a somber song,

Where shadows and melancholy belong.

Silent cries in lunar glow,

Embrace the depths where sorrows grow.

Desperation wears a cloak,

Moonlit shadows, hearts provoke.

Desires lost in the silver sheen,

A melancholic, haunting scene.

Moon's allure, a bittersweet kiss,

Unveils the realm of yearning's abyss.

In shadows cast by lunar might,

Men find solace in the night.

Yet, despair lingers, a constant woe,

In the mysteries that shadows show.